multiplayer$505019$ - перевод на голландский
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multiplayer$505019$ - перевод на голландский

Multiplayer Battletech; Multiplayer Battletech: Solaris

adj. (betreffende een videospel) ontworpen voor veel spelers, het mogelijk maken dat veel mensen tegelijk kunnen spelen (in het bijzonder simultaan via een computernetwerk)
Music Television         
  • ''[[AMTV]]'', the name of MTV's music video programming since 2009
  • MTV ''Choose or Lose'' logo
  • Jersey Shore]]'' in 2011
  • MTV's single color version, used for specific pieces of content.
  • MTV's first logo, used from August 1, 1981, to late 1994.
  • MTV's second logo, used from late 1994, to February 8, 2010. It was still used outside United States until July 1, 2011.
  • MTV's former logo used on-air from February 8, 2010, to September 12, 2021, it was still used on some MTV's program and YouTube channel as the logo thumbnail on some videos.
  • Comparison of MTV's original 1980s branding and its 2010 branding
  • 1515 Broadway]] in [[Times Square]]
  • A teenager wearing a hoodie with the MTV logo
  • Thriller]]"
  • in 2008
  • The first images shown on MTV were a montage of the [[Apollo 11]] [[moon landing]].
  • One of many MTV [[station ID]]s used during the 1980s; this one was designed by [[Henry Selick]].
Music Television; MTV Network; MTV (Music Television);;; Mtv; MTV Overdrive; MTV: Music Television; Discover & Download; MTV US; Discover and download; Criticism of MTV; Discover and Download; Mtv new media; MTV New Media; MTVOne; MTV Geek; Music Television (TV channel); MTV (TV channel); MTV Games; MTV Geek!; MTV Buzzworthy; MTV Multiplayer; MTV (television); MTV Act; Google MTV NOS; MTV Rapfix; Think MTV; MTV Movies Blog; MTV Splash Page; MTV's 20th Anniversary; MTV81; MTV 81; MTV Online; M.T.V.; MTV USA; Sight on Sound; Dude, This Sucks
Muziek Televisie, internationale muziekzender (vanuit Londen uitgezonden)


¦ noun
1. a compact disc player which can play a number of discs in succession.
2. a multimedia computer and home entertainment system integrating conventional and interactive audio and video functions with those of a personal computer.
¦ adjective denoting a computer game for or involving several players.


Multiplayer BattleTech: Solaris

Multiplayer BattleTech: Solaris is a version of the multiplayer BattleTech computer game which was available on AOL, and on Kesmai's (later named GameStorm) game service between 1996 and 2001. At its height on the AOL server, thousands of players competed simultaneously in arenas of two to eight participants, battling in team games or free-for-alls. After AOL initiated its hourly pay-for-play system, the majority of players moved to the GameStorm service, which operated for a number of years until its purchase by Electronic Arts.

During its run, the game's player-driven community grouped themselves into armies representing the various Successor States, or independent stables, or mercenary units. Though the in-game software did not support official groups, the player-driven units became close-knit communities, even after the games cancellation in 2001.

The game was a follow-up to Multiplayer BattleTech: EGA; it was in turn succeeded by Multiplayer BattleTech 3025.